The Oil Blue is an indie action-sim that has you drilling for oil in the world’s oceans, selling barrels of oil on the market, and exploring new islands once you completed objectives set by your employer, the United Oil of Oceania company. Set in the ocean in the near future, the world’s dependency on oil has grown to an even larger amount. It’s up to you and a crew of men to travel the ocean, find abandoned oil drilling islands, and reclaim them for the United Oil of Oceana company.
Once you land on an island, you have a set amount of days and oil barrels to make during your stay. Fire up those old drilling machines and start making oil underwater, watch the oil barrel market and sell at the highest price, repair machines and do it all within the time you’re given…or the UOO will boot you off the island for a better crew. Sell more barrels to achieve higher ranks and perks, upgrade your machines, and conquer the ocean!
- Hours and hours of gameplay as you move from one island to the next, with all content on each island being randomly generated for a unique experience each time you play.
- A thorough tutorial that’s fast and easy to get through.
- A 50-level ranking/XP system that rewards players the longer they play, as well as unlockable extra content.
- A unique storyline that’s set in the near future, and incorporates the recent oil disasters and the consequences thereafter.
- Simulation aspect with a hands-on approach ensures a fast and chaotic burst of gameplay as you drill for oil while watching the oil market, upgrading and repairing machines all within eight minutes (or one day of in game time).
- Original music by Jonathan Geer, with artwork by Sara Gross. Game by David Galindo.
- DRM free.
- Colorblind option available.
Sedikit review pribadi
Intinya di game ini kita berperan jadi mandor kilang minyak, dan mengatur mulai dari operasional pengeboran sampe ke perawatan/betulin mesin serta penjualan minyak di market.
simulasi dari pengoperasian berbagai alat bor yg tersedia disajikan dalam bentuk berbagai mini-games dan time management scenario...agak susah ngejelasinnya, tapi semua ada instruksi dan tutorialnya 
gamenya cukup menarik idenya krn ga banyak game yg mensimulasikan kilang minyak...
kira2 pertamina pake alat2 begituan gak ya...
Q: gimana cara installnya?
A: ini versi portable jadi cukup di-extract aja trus run .exenya, kalo mo uninstall tinggal apus foldernya
Q: animasi pembuat game (Vertigo Games) di awal kok lama amat, di-klik/pencet Esc ga bisa di-skip
A: cara skipnya...pencet Enter! ^_^
Q: kok pas maen ga ada suara/background music?
A: iya ini ampir semua pada begini, solusinya di Options, pilih Sound ganti jadi low rendering sound, exit game coba masuk lagi...voila!
Q: kok pas maen kayaknya lambat/ngelag?
A: biar keliatannya biasa aja tapi game ini pake fitur VSync dan Anti-Aliasing segala lho, coba aja dimatiin di Options, setting Graphics dan kalo masi berat juga high graphic renderingnya diganti ke fast rendering, restart game lagi...
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